Thursday, August 31, 2006

Best tech blogs

This is an excellent collection of blogs to read if you want to stay informed for the coolest new technologies and trends over the Internet. Things are changing pretty rapidly those days, and there are exciting new applications coming out every day!

Blogs for emerging technologies on the web


John Battelle's Searchblog


Official Google Blog

O'Reilly Radar

Blogging Web 2.0

Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger


SiliconBeat: News about tech money and innovation

The Web 2.0 Is Here (Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog)

Venture Capital Blogs


Signum sine tinnitu - by Guy Kawasaki

Fixing Venture Capital - Joel on Software

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Photosynth (wow!)

Microsoft Reasearch has recently presented a new prototype for merging images from the same geographic location to create a 3D representation of a place. The product is called Photosynth and it was presented recently at SIGGRAPH 2006. The idea is to take multiple photos of an object, or a building taken from different angles, and combining them in 3D space by putting similar photos close to each other.

You can see another demo here (from University of Washington) on how to use Photosynth to explore a famous tourist attraction in Paris... (?!)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Web 2.0 killer apps

This is a recent report from CRN about the best online applications such as mail, calendar, editors, spreadsheets etc..

Most of them are really cool, especially collaborative tools, and an online operating system (youOS) in which you can add individual modules and XML feeds from lots of web services. You can also program your own modules and add them there.

Another remarkable company to look at is, they have developed a family of office tools with very rich functionality. They look very pretty, I have to say, and they are absolutely free!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Google Web Toolkit

Yesterday I downloaded the Google Web Toolkit. It seems it has very rich functionality, and a nice set of examples from which you can start developing your own web applications.

I have found this forum very useful too. You can post any questions/suggestions about GWT. It seems very active.

For all of us who are familiar with developing Java GUIs I believe GWT is a good starting point to learn how to create web interfaces fast. Additionaly, you can have all your code in Java and don't care very much about compatibility issues between different browsers, since GWT claims it takes care of this part.

I would suggest those who read my blog (at this point, maybe 2 people at most) to try it out :)